Thursday 4 November 2010

The last rites

Ugh. Man flu.

Woke this morning with my throat even more sore and with a headache that's yet to go away. I did manage to get a trip to the gym in and did 30 minutes on the cross trainer and that was just about ok but when I tried a gentle swim afterwards I felt absolutely wasted.

Resistance training postponed until tomorrow.


Alison said...

Are you sure you don't just have a cake hangover? ;)

Hope you feel better sooner rather than later. But no point in thrashing yourself in the gym and prolonging it. Rest!

Maria said...

Sensible to rest. I have heard that man flu is possibly the worst type of flu ;)

Running Rob said...

Cake withdrawl symptoms? Hmmmmmmm.

Man flu is undoubtedly the worst sort. Pain thresholds for men and women are very different. I've known several women to make a right fuss over child birth - which I'd accept might well scratch a bit - but do you ever hear a man complain from the undoubtedly far more severe pain of jogger's nipple?