Wednesday 14 April 2010

It must have been like watching Douglas Bader line dancing.

Me doing last night's injury prevention drills that is.

It was a session organised at the running club with Alison Rose, physio for the likes of Kelly Holmes, Jess Ennis and Alistair Brownlee; and consisted of a series of warm up drills targeted to improve balance, coordination and ultimately running form and economy. It was tough. I can watch someone doing a simple repetitive movement but find replicating it extremely difficult, until something suddenly 'clicks' and I can do it. Mind you, I wasn't alone in my stomping, ungainly efforts and apparently many elite athletes (sprinters especially) are the same. That provided a crumb of comfort anyway!

Prior to the session I'd enjoyed a decent little run. It was a reasonably hilly 5.5 miles with a slow downhill first mile but everything after that was done between 7.10 and 8.01 pace. Bearing in mind I'm still nearly a stone heavier than last autumn and a stone and a half above where I'd like to be, I'm pretty pleased with that. It still feels maybe 20-30 seconds slower for the same perceived effort as last autumn and is only covering short routes but much of that will be down to weight and overall I'm pleased. No obvious signs of injury either (despite the lunges in the drills - the one bit I could do - feeling like it was ripping things!).

Last but not least, today's weigh in not only got rid of the remaining gain from the week off but took me down 0.8lb beneath the pre-break low. On top of that the percentage body fat also reached a comfortable new low.

Very happy indeed!

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